You Are Loved
Hello, beautiful daughters. Around this time of year, I’m afraid that many of you feel unloved, avoided, discarded, and heart broken. I...

The Beauty of Shifting Your Focus
Jesus's beauty makes me feel beautiful. Spending time with him fills my heart with such a beautiful feeling that the rest of me feels...

Stepping Out in Faith
“Great faith is the product of great fights. Great testimonies are the outcome of great tests. Great triumphs can only come out of great...

The Strength to be Content
Have you ever thought about things in your life that you want to change because you think that your life would be better without them? A...

Prayer and Trusting in God
I have been thinking about prayer lately and I have noticed some things. Prayer is not about getting what you want, it's about getting...

Why is it Hard to Read the Bible?
Why do I have such a hard time reading the Bible? I used to think that reading the Bible was boring and hard to understand. But when I...

Virtue Makes You Beautiful!
You know that song from One Direction called "You Don't Know You're Beautiful"? Well these guys decided to send a possitive message to...

Looking for a Fairy Tale
A hansom prince, a beautiful princess, and true love. *Sigh* That's what we all dream of. We dream of feeling like a beautiful princess...