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The Beauty of Shifting Your Focus

Jesus's beauty makes me feel beautiful. Spending time with him fills my heart with such a beautiful feeling that the rest of me feels beautiful too. I want everyone to feel that.

I think that we all spend too much time hating ourselves and our lives instead of seeing how miraculous God truly is. Our time would be better spent if we took our eyes off of ourselves and on to him. There will always be something that you don't like about yourself or your life. We are imperfect people, after all. If perfection is what you are searching for, then you will never find rest.

God has something better for you. If you take a few moments a day to look towards God and how amazing he is, you may discover that your life is not as bad as you thought. Why? Because you have a powerful and loving God beside you. He loves and accepts all of you, even the parts that you would rather hide from him.

There is something beautiful that happens when you allow yourself to be vulnerable to God, displaying all of yourself to him. He has always seen the hurt and weakness in your life but when you open up to him, out of your own free will, there is a beautiful moment of complete vulnerability and acceptance that happens. He looks at your life and looks at you, his precious child, with compassionate eyes that seem to say "I love you. Let me help you.".

You then can choose to continue to open yourself up to God and what he wants to do in your life. If you allow him to work in you, then he will create something that is beautiful. It's not beautiful because of anything that you did on your own. The beauty that is there was created by God, for you. It was a gift to an imperfect child, from a perfect God.

Those gifts came from God. Thank him. The beauty that you see in our world is from him. Praise him. The little everyday joys that you experience are because of him. Glorify him. When we allow him to create beauty out of our lives and praise him for it, our focus shifts to something more beautiful. God.


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Hi, my name is Olivia! I created this website to encourage young girls to pursue a lasting relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ...

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