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Looking for a Fairy Tale

A hansom prince, a beautiful princess, and true love. *Sigh* That's what we all dream of. We dream of feeling like a beautiful princess who is loved and cherished by a brave, noble prince. A prince who will make us feel beautiful no matter what and who would value us so much that he would even face terrible danger to save us. And then after he saves you, he declares his love for you and you live happily ever after. What a wonderful dream. :)

Sadly though, the world does not allow these girlish dreams to come true and even makes fun of us for wanting a fairy tale story. They say, "The real world isn't like that. You won't ever find a noble prince who would love you like that." And so our dreams of "happily ever after" fade away with the rest of our child hood and are labeled as "childish hopes". But I don't believe that that is all they are. I think that every girl (even tomboys) have had this desire and I think it is a desire that God put in every girl on purpose. There is a common saying that there is a God shaped hole in our hearts that only God can fill. I think that the longing for a fairy tale love is one of the holes in our heart that only God can fill.

We don't realize this though. We try to fill this void in our hearts with things other than God. We try to find that fairy tale love in a guy. We try to make ourselves as beautiful as we can and dress and act in ways that would catch a boys eye. Why? So that we can feel loved and beautiful just like the princess in a story book. We look for a fairy tale in the wrong places. Let's be honest here, your future husband won't always be the prince charming you imagined. Although, God does have a Godly man with noble character traits like honesty, integrity, generosity, as well as other princely traits. But, just like you, he will not be perfect. He will make mistakes and he will fall short of the prince that you want him to be. And here is where most people decide that the idea of having "true love" and having an amazing prince love you, is just a silly idea.

This is because they are looking for other things to fufill that desire. They aren't looking to one one who can really makes you feel beautiful, loved, and valued every second of the day. The only one who could live up to the expectations that we have for prince charming is God. He really is the perfect prince that we have been looking for. He loves you and values you even more than the value of diamonds or gold. He made you beautiful and gave you unique and wonderful personality traits and skills. He has saved you from a terrible evil that wanted you to burn forever. Even though he had to die to do it, he would do it again even if you were the only one he could to save. But thankfully, Jesus was so strong that when he took your sins upon himself and died and went to hell, he escaped and rose again! He will never have to do that again because he took all of our past, present, and future sins with him. He is so brave to do that for us, for all of us! I would like to see prince charming beat that! Not only did God do all of that for you, but he wants to do even more, if you will let him. He wants to be apart of your life. He wants to talk to you, to be your friend. He wants you to caste all of your worrys, fears, anxiety, and insecurities onto him. He wants to help you overcome them and lead you into a beautiful life that he had planned for you even before you were born. That is the type of prince he is.

The most wonderful thing about him is that he doesn't change and his love for us doesn't change either. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8. "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:37-39. No matter what happens and no matter what we do he will always love us. Just like it says in Romans 8:38-39 nothing can separate us from the Love that the Lord has for us. That kind of love is even more valuable and wonderful than what we ever heard about in a fairy tale. And this love is real.

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Hi, my name is Olivia! I created this website to encourage young girls to pursue a lasting relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ...

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