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How To Encourage Those Around You

“Kind words are like honey--sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” Proverbs 16:24

I love this verse because it truly describes how I feel when I receive words of encouragement. I treasure the kind words that people have told me in my heart and I look back on them when I’m feeling down. Those encouraging words have kept me going when I feel discourage and I am truly thankful for them! Wouldn’t you like to have this kind of impact on someone? Here are a few tips to help you lift up those around you with your words and actions:

1. Be genuine. Don’t compliment someone just for the sake of complimenting them. Find something you admire about them and let them know why you admire that. It could be anything from their style choice, their talent, their hard work, or their good character.

2. Complimenting someone isn’t the only way to encourage people. So many people I know are going through hard seasons in their lives where they feel rejected, unloved, worn out, and depressed. To encourage people going through hard times, you may just need to let them know that you care about them. You can make them a card, draw them a picture, spend time with them, listen to what they have to say (you don’t always need to give them advice), or bring them a game or activity that they enjoy. Just knowing that there is someone that cares for them is incredibly encouraging.

3. Remind them of the truth in God’s word. People hear lies from social media, classmates, coworkers, ect. all the time. When people (including me) hear the lies of “You’re not good enough. You should just give up.” or “No one loves you.” or “You are ugly.” so often, they start to believe that those lies are true. Show them how God views them, how much he loves them, and you can even tell them of the stories found in the Bible where people were going through the same things that they are. Jesus, Daniel, Paul, and other people who lived in Bible times went through situations that were truly difficult and even life threatening. Hearing their stories and how God helped them through the hard times gives me hope. I'm sure that there are lots of people who would benefit from hearing stories about hope! God and his word are the best places to look for encouragement and I love it when my friends remind me of God’s truth!

4. Don’t use sarcasm. I know that sarcastic comments can be funny when you’re joking around with friends, but those words may have had a negative impact someone in the group that you didn’t notice. I have laughed off sarcastic comments that were aimed at me when I was actually pretty hurt by what was said on the inside. Have you ever felt that way? Your words are powerful. Please use them to build people up, not tear them down.

Thank you so much for reading these tips and I hope you take them to heart so that you can point them to Jesus through your loving encouragement


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Hi, my name is Olivia! I created this website to encourage young girls to pursue a lasting relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ...

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