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Your Prince Makes You a Princess

Can you imagine what it would be like to be a princess? It doesn't matter weather you are 6 or 60 at some point in your life you've dreamed of being a princess (or still do!). You've dreamed of living in a castle, twirling in a beautiful dress, wearing a golden crown, and of course, being loved by a prince. What if I told you that you really are a princess? Sure you might not be living in a castle or wearing a crown, but you are a princess. You may be thinking “But I don’t feel beautiful at all, and if I’m a princess then where is my prince?” First of all, you do have a prince and you always have. His name is Jesus. He loved you so much that he sacrificed his life to save you from the evil clutches of the enemy who wanted to keep you a prisoner. He died because he knew that by dyeing it would save your life. And even if you were the only one in the entire world that he could save, he still would have died to save you. Every mistake you've made, every lie you told, and every bad thing that you have ever done, he took it all on himself, to protect you. He went into the enemy’s territory and was tortured and was put in explainable pain. He endured all of that so that you didn't have to. But that’s not the end of the story. Not only did he die, but he rose again! He defeated the enemy and conquered death. Your prince is so strong that even death couldn't hold him. His love for you is unconditional; the sacrifice he made for you is unbelievable. He is your one true prince and you are his princess. “…I have called you by name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1.

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Hi, my name is Olivia! I created this website to encourage young girls to pursue a lasting relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ...

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